Do you have chronic health problems? You are not feeling « well » ? Are you tired?
Understanding the origin of your symptoms and disorders in your body is essential for effective treatment. MyBioBox offers you to do so thanks to our biological check up BNS12.

Do you have chronic health problems? You are not feeling « well » ? Are you tired?
Understanding the origin of your symptoms and disorders in your body is essential for effective treatment.
This assessment includes the first 12 parameters of the BNS, plus 12 complementary and homeopathic parameters. These parameters, rather aimed at people with homeopathic sensitivity, allow to target more precisely the cause of the symptoms and propose a complementary homeopathic therapeutic.
Do you feel abnormally anxious, anxious, stressed? Do you feel close to the Burn-Out?
You feel like you are losing control on all levels. Do you have trouble falling asleep and your sleep is less and less restful? Do you feel like you’re running out of energy, and you can’t even make decisions? Do you have a poor memory and have difficulties concentrating? Does it even seem to you that you no longer have control over your emotions? These symptoms are typical of an imbalance in neurotransmitters.
Taking stock of your neurotransmitters will allow you to have a clear vision of these imbalances and to put in place natural, sustainable and effective actions because rigorously adapted to your situation, and thus regain a better physical shape and mental!

Vous avez un problème de santé inflammatoire connu et identifié ? Vous souhaitez connaître les meilleures solutions thérapeutiques naturelles et traitements pour passer ce mauvais cap ?
Le PNS 12 est une lecture par notre système expert de 12 analyses biologiques « classiques » qui permettent de faire une revue de la santé de votre organisme. Une maladie a souvent un impact sur d’autres organes et parties de votre organisme.
Notre bilan permet de faire le point sur votre état de santé et notre rapport vous propose les solutions thérapeutiques qui vous correspondent pour retrouver au plus vite votre pleine santé !
The BNS Report helped me take stock of my health as I approached my 40s. My lifestyle suggested that it would be nice if I did a preventive check-up.
I am 80 years old and this assessment allowed me to choose the right natural treatment to feel less of my daily health problems. I have advised several friends.
The BNS 12 check up is essential for my practice and I use it every day. I am more efficient and this helps me understand the causes of my consultants' problems much more quickly.
I take stock of the Neurotransmitters to my consultants to make effective recommendations on managing their stress and emotions.
I did a BNS 24 check up in early 2017 to understand the origin of my migraines. Thanks to the natural remedies that I was recommended I have not had a seizure since!
I have ankylosing spondylitis and I manage the pain much better in the acute phase of my disease. The plants of the BNS relieve me enormously.
I was tired of taking dietary supplements without knowing if they were really suitable for me. The BNS gave me an individualized list of the most effective remedies to keep me in shape.
Together with my wife we do a MyBioBox check-up once a year to make sure we stay healthy and adjust our lifestyle in terms of results.
I really like the idea of not waiting until you're sick to take your health into your own hands. And all this with natural products that stimulate my body.
With the BNS 24 check up was able to expand the choice of remedies for my consultants by being sure to always target them well. The results are very satisfactory.

1. Select and order your box
Select your analysis in our shop and make the payment. We send you a kit containing the collection equipment and all the necessary information.

3. Return the sampling
Follow the instructions in the manual attached to the collection kit using the envelope and the material provided for this purpose.

2. Proceed to the sampling
Proceed to the sampling as shown in the instructions attached to the kit. At a laboratory or with a nurse for blood samples or by yourself for urine sampling.
Complete the health questionnaire attached to the kit or complete it online.

4. Check your secure space
Once the analysis is done by the partner laboratory and the questionnaire is completed, you or your health practitioner are informed of the availability of the results on your secure space.
What is functional biology?
Why are MyBioBox check ups unique and so effective?